Rules to keep in mind.
- The festival rain or shine. Its Missouri...It WILL rain. Plan accordingly.
- Tickets are non-refundable. There are no rain checks or exchanges, with the exception of catastrophic emergency affecting the site itself.
- All blades must be peace-tied. This means NO exposed blades and weaponry. You will be "asked" to leave if you fail to follow this rule.
- No outside food or drinks, including alcohol are to be brought into the festival.
- please keep to the beer garden for....beer.
- No pets please
- Service animals of course welcomed! Any "service" animal who is not leased or controlled will be asked to leave.
- Enter at your own risk. Silver Sage Renaissance Festival and all associated affiliates are not responsible for any loss or damages to person or property. SSRF and affiliates assume no responsibility for any claims of loss or damage to person or property during the course of the festival. Entry into the festival signifies acceptance of these terms.
- Silver Sage Renaissance Festival reserves the right to refuse entry or remove anyone for any reason. Paying guests who violate these rules, pose a risk to the health and safety of other guests or cast and crew, or gain entry illegally will be removed and or authorities notified.
- Silver Sage Renaissance Festival is nondiscriminatory, non-politically affiliated organization. We do not base policies, decisions, or planning strategies on the basis of race, sexual orientation color, national or ethnic origin, religion or spirituality, ancestry, age, disability or handicap, military or veteran status, sex or gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, state or local law.