Vendor applications are now live!!

All Hail and Well Met!!

Welcome Artisans, to the Silver Sage Renaissance Festival now in Joplin, MO!!!   We believe in and embrace the saying, "It takes a Village" so we would like to welcome you to the Village, your participation is truly valued and appreciated whether you have been with us from the start when were in Garden City or are coming on board with us for the very first time.  We are excited you have chosen to join us in our new endeavor here in Joplin and can't wait to see this Village grow with amazingly wonderful vendors like yourself!  

We are now a 3 day festival on Memorial Day Weekend 2025!!

Please read through and take note of these important dates and information!

November 1, 2024 - All vendor and performer applications are due

Jan 6, 2025 - Accept/Reject Notices are sent

Feb 6, 2025 - Vendor Payments Due

April 25, 2025 - Last day to withdraw with a full refund

May 22nd, Thursday - before Faire - set up day for vendors with prior approval

May 23rd, Friday before Faire - all day set up for all vendors

Saturday May 24th 10am - 6pm & 7pm - ?? Vendor/Performer Dinner after hours smoker

Sunday May 25th 11am - 7pm

Monday May 26th 10am - 6pm


2025 Vendor Fees
Small Artisan Space (up to 12x12) - $200
Large Artisan Space (20x20) - $275
Space Larger than 20x20 - additional $5 per 5 sq ft
Food Vendor - $350
$5 fee per vendor required by the City of Joplin, more info to come.
Your booth fee includes free entry for 2 people per booth with an additional 2 free faire passes for workers, any additional passes are available at $3 a piece but must be purchased prior to the first day of faire from your vendor coordinator/liaison.
THIS IS A JURIED EVENT AND ALL APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON QUALITY AND APPROPRIATENESS OF PRODUCTS.  The Silver Sage Renaissance Festival Artisan/Vendor Committee retains the right to deny any application due to lack of payment or any previous lapse in festival conduct (for returning vendors). 
This event is rain or shine. No vendor fees will be refunded for any reason outside of a natural disaster affecting the site location. Event coordinators reserve the right to cancel the event at any time due to unforeseen circumstances such as a natural disaster and will refund all monies appropriately.


Join our Silver Sage Vendor group on Facebook to keep in the know, get booth and garb ideas from fellow vendors and lets get excited together!!

The 2025 Festival will be a true juried event, so make sure you get your applications in early!

OL Special Event License Form 2024 202403141549022339 Pdf
PDF – 124.8 KB 135 downloads

Important notes for all vendors.

  • This is a FAMILY SHOW.  Act like children are watching....because they are. Failing to conduct oneself appropriately will result in removal from Festival.
  • Each booth is defined as having 2 persons to run booth, 2 to act as booth relief.  Additional guests will need to purchase either daily or weekend vendor rate tickets
  • Upon arrival you must check in with your vendor coordinator!  Changing booth locations will be on a case by case basis, and only with coordinator approval.
  • This is a Juried event and there will be a limit the number of vendors with the same/similar types of wares, however we CANNOT grant exclusivity.
  • Handmade items are preferred, resale items are limited and MLM are not accepted.
  • Booth must be "period".  Check out online resources such as renaissance era canopy covers.  
    • pop up canopies must have all modernity covered to appear in theme
  • All patrons running booths, including assistants for booth relief are expected to be in Renaissance Festival appropriate attire, please no street clothes while festival is open and you are manning your booth.
  • Please pay attention to all dates laid out in the vendor application, as there has been many changes and we have new DEADLINES for applications and payments.
  • Do not cut, remove, or damage the perimeter fencing. 
  • It is advised that Vendors must have their own liability insurance.  
  • All vendors must have city vendor license purchased at City Hall.
  • Please throw your trash away in dumpsters.  Save the trash cans for patrons.
  • Get ready to be part of the show!  Have fun.  Make friends.  Get inspired. 
    • The more interactive you are with the patrons - the better sales you likely will see. 
    • Get into theme, this also helps with your sales!
    • Get out of the booth and hawk your wares! 
  • Once accepted invoices will be emailed for payment through paypal *** YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE PAYPAL TO PAY YOUR INVOICE.
  • Snail mail is not advised as mail does get lost.  Do not send any money to anyone without confirmation they are affiliated with us. 

Have questions?  Reach out!